Place de la Concorde the largest in Paris

Place de la concordePlace de la Concorde is the largest in Paris. It marks the beginning of the Avenue of Elysium fields and is located close to an entry in the Tuileries Gardens. It changed its name several times throughout history, and its development was greatly altered several times.

It was designed by the official architect of Louis XIV, Jacques Ange Gabriel. It was originally named after the king. The place was once surrounded by ditches, which were later filled in to the demands of traffic.

During the revolution, we renamed "Revolution Square". This is where you installed the guillotine, on which were executed Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, and more than 2,800 others. To try to forget this unfortunate episode, several times we renamed the place, only to choose the name of Concorde. It also settled the Obelisk of Luxor, a gift from the king of Egypt, who had the advantage of not recall any political event.
